
The Construction Industry Ethics and Compliance Initiative (CIECI) is a non-profit association of U.S. construction industry participants dedicated to the promotion of integrity and ethical conduct in the construction industry. Our goals are the advancement of organizational cultures that encourage and support ethical behavior and compliance with law; and the identification and sharing of best ethical and compliance practices within our industry. Members of the CIECI agree to adopt and adhere to the following Principles:

  • Each member shall have and adhere to a written Code of business conduct. The Code shall establish high ethical values and compliance with the law applicable to the U.S. construction industry. 
  • Each member shall train its personnel as to their personal responsibilities under the Code. 
  • Each member commits itself to work together toward maintaining open competition in the industry, free of conflicts of interest and undue influences. 
  • Each member shall have responsibility to each other to share best ethical and compliance practices in implementing the Principles. 
  • Each member shall participate in the annual Best Practices Forum. 
  • Each member, through participation in this Initiative, shall be accountable to the public. 

We will accomplish these goals through several means and activities including:

  • Formation of a working group of companies that share the CIECI principles. 
  • Periodic meetings to share best practices. 
  • Preparation and dissemination of educational materials pertaining to ethical business conduct and compliance with the law within the construction industry. 
  • Preparation of annual surveys of ethical behavior in the construction industry. 
  • Presentation of seminars to industry participants which might include participation by various government agencies and in cooperation with construction industry associations such as the Associated General Contractors of America, the Construction Industry Roundtable, the American Builders Association and others. 

CIECI will neither serve as a lobbying organization nor shall it attempt in any way to regulate or sanction the behavior of its member organizations or other construction industry participants. The sole purpose of CIECI is the promotion and advancement of ethical conduct and compliance in the construction industry. 

Approved and adopted by the Founding Members listed below by unanimous vote of their authorized representatives on April 29, 2008.

Peter Eyre
CIECI Coordinator
